Posts tagged politics

Freedom ISN’T Free?

You know … I get so tired of people sending me emails that are supposedly supporting our troops and trumpet how “freedom isn’t free.”

It’s not?  Isn’t free the very definition of freedom?  You know … it’s like … freedom … and everything?

Besides, I don’t see any connection between the wars we’re fighting over seas and freedom.  That’s not protecting our freedom, it’s making new enemies and imposing force upon other nations.  There’s nothing free about that.

Besides, we’re not very free in this nation anyway.  After all, if we’re so “free” why do we jail more people than any other nation in the world … more than double the runner up, good old communist Russia.  Seems like Russians are more free than us, if you go by that number.

Freedom is supposed to mean the ability to live your own life without having someone elses (or some government’s) will forced upon you, and yet our government has laws for every aspect of our lives … from what we can put or not put into our own bodies voluntarily … to where our pets can poop.  It does not mean having an abundance of choice of things to purchase and pay for, which it what many people seem to think it means. I mean, for crying out loud, people don’t even seem to care that their basic rights are infringed upon every day in various ways, so long as they can go to the mall or shop on the internet.

Are we really free here in the USA?

Are we really free at all?

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Global Food AND Water Crises? Who knew!

Just got done reading this article here …
Vandana Shiva: Why We Face Both Food and Water Crises

The average American walking down the street has no idea how much trouble we are in locally, nationally and globally in our environmental crisis. Most Americans have no idea how much trouble we’re in, how little water there actually is, how terribly polluted our water is.

Here’s a good article …

Water is a commodity. It is traded on the open market just like oil. Corporations are seeking to take control of all water supplies. People all over the planet are suffering with a serious lack of fresh water. And an unscrupulous few are profiting massively from it.

Food is no better. Our store shelves are crammed with “edible food like substances” that taste and smell good, but are killing us because they are chock full of chemical additives that were never meant to be placed in a human body.

Here is a good article …

The food system is corrupt. It is a profit driven machine … not a keeping people healthy machine. It is about getting the most “value” out of the least expensive “ingredients.” Why are we all fat and sick? Look at what’s in the food!! One of my all time favorites, Monosodium Glutamate … which also is called hydrolyzed protein or modified protein. You know what they use it for in labs? To make rats obese and give them diabetes, because naturally, a rat will *never* develop these conditions. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and google “MSG rats.” I dare you.

Jeez. Haven’t you ever felt like a guine pig? Heck, the entire food and medicine systems in this country are all one massive unnatural experiment! Not to mention sunscreens and home cleaning products and air freshening chemicals and beauty treatments and and and. It’s like one day it was decided, “Let’s see how much non-natural, man-made crap we can slather on and feed and drink and spray on ourselves before we all keel over and die.” Turns out an awful lot … and it causes us to die slow, horrible, ugly death too.

OMG … seriously. I need to stop reading the news. Turning a blind eye and doing my best to live the best I can and spread the awareness is all I can do to keep my sanity. I sometimes feel hopeless when i look at the enormity of the situation. It’s hard not to. Things out there are seriously screwed.

So … help cheer me up. Show me the hope! Share some happier stories to lift the spirits and prove that this isn’t just a huge, inevitable mess.

Wishing you hope. Always hope.


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