All About Alina

Hi!  My name is Alina Phoenix.  I sure do wish WordPress would have saved all I had written here prior to confirming my link … but alas, now I have to try and be clever and witty for a second time.  O.o

So I’m an entrepreneur, perhaps not the most successful one, as yet.  I have a nifty little website over at that will give you access to the best thought and behavioural modification programs on the planet.  🙂  They seriously changed my life, and that’s why I share them with others.  I used to be agoraphobic, with severe panic and anxiety every time I would try to leave the house.  I was in a lot of therapy and on a lot of medication that wasn’t helping until I found those programs.  After getting on the program, it was simple, easy and automatic, and within a few months time, I was leaving the house on my own with my kids (which used to send me into a panic), and even going back to school.  Now, I’ve got a degree in business and marketing, and it’s been ages since I had my last panic attack.  Those programs literally gave me my life back, so I highly recommend them.  And they’re not just good for panic and anxiety, but also depression, weight loss, quitting smoking, increasing sales success, gaining financial abundance, ending procrastination, loving exercise, gaining unstoppable motivation, learning how to set and achieve goals, building self esteem and so much more.  Literally, if you have any problem you want to address in your life, you can with, and it will be just as simple, easy and automatic for you as it was for me.  🙂  Wishing you luck and success with that!

Aaaanyhoo, now that I’ve shamelessly plugged in my business (plug, plug plug), what else do you want to know about me?

I have two little girls that mean the world to me.

I love cats and I write poetry.

I’m a big dreamer with lots of ideas for the future.

I don’t tolerate well when people put down themselves or others.

I have 8 plants in the single room where I live (which my cat likes to eat O.o).

I am rabid when it comes to self improvement and I have a vast library of self improvement books, DVDs, CDs, and computer programs.

I am deeply spiritual, but not at all religious.

I have given up on politicians changing this country for the better and I believe the only meaningful and positive change we can expect will be grassroots.

I am quite crafty and I usually have many projects going on at once such as cross-stitch, beading jewelry, photography, drawing, and random gifts I like to make.

I’m told that i’m too nice, so I’ve started randomly kicking people. (Actually, no.  I am too nice.) O.o

I love animals and nature and I think it’s a shame (and completely terrifying) what we humans are doing to this planet.

I’m divorced, but I still maintain a good working (real) friendship with my ex-husband, which I never realize how rare it is until people stare at me dumbfounded when I talk about the relationship and how well we get along.  Why the divorce?  because the marriage was ruining the friendship.  Now that we aren’t married, and I’ve got a boyfriend to fulfill the needs that weren’t getting met in the marriage, life is much much better and more peaceful all the way around.  Oh, and my boyfriend and ex husband get along.  How weird is that?

I loooooove crystals and have about a million of them.  Well, maybe not a million, but if I keep collecting the way I do, I’ll end up with that many!  It’s just fascinating to me the variety and beauty of the stones that just grow/form within the Earth.  And also, I’m sensitive to the subtle energies of crystals and it just makes me feel better when I carry some in my pocket and am surrounded by them every day.

I love reading and I’m a huge Stephen King fan.  His Dark Tower series literally blew my mind.  I also like C.S. Friedman, Tad Williams, Sidney Sheldon, Nora Roberts, and J.K. Rowling to name a few that line my shelf.  I probably have more than 10,000 books at this point (no joke).  So, yeah.  I love reading.

I am a nerd and I admit this freely.

I believe that there’s more to this world than what we see and that ghosts, faeries, angels, and a host of other mythical creatures are quite real, simply existing just on the other side of what we can see with our eyes, though we can feel them with our hearts.

Oh … and I like to post really really long blogs sometimes.  Like this one.  O.o

So, yeah.  I think that’s plenty enough to give you a feel for who I am and what I’m about.  I’m not your average every day girl.  I care very little for makeup, clothes and shoes.  I don’t like to gossip or talk badly about others.  I do my best to be positive and uplifting because there are too few places in the world where people have that.

So thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll enjoy what I post!



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