Archive for human rights

How ridiculous the world is!

So I was reading the news today (I know, I know) and I came across this article on how Rachel Ray is a terrorist sympathizer because she was wearing a black and white paisley scarf in one of the ads that she was doing for Dunkin Donuts! (

Jeez-o-peetz people! It’s a silly scarf for crying out loud! I happen to agree with her publicist that this is a non-story, but this ridiculousness is being perpetuated across the world because no one seems to have any perspective anymore about what’s important.

For crying out loud, even if the scarf is a rip-off of Arabic culture, are all Arabs now terrorists? Because I thought that was fairly confined to an insane few. This seems to be another case of a few bad apples ruining it for the whole bunch.

I personally feel a lot of sympathy for the Middle East. The region seems perpetually torn by war, generally over religion or oil … they have all these foreign occupiers messing up their lives … and there are more victims over there than perpetrators, but we always seem to lose sight of that fact in our fear. In fact, I would be willing to bet that the majority of people over there just want the same things we want … to love and be loved, to have a safe home in which to raise their families, to have access to food, water, electricity and medicine, to build a better life for themselves and their children.

Actually, as long as we stay afraid of them, the easier it is to continue to justify the Iraq war which is ruining our economy and seriously damaging our reputation around the world. I personally think we never should have gone over there in the first place, because Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11 and Saddam never had WMDs. It was all lies and misdirection with an enormous cost in terms of innocent lives (both those of Iraqi civilians and the troops who were sent over to “defend our freedom”) and economically (with a several trillion dollar price tag and rising – we could have fixed education and health care, but we would apparently rather bomb people). I also seriously doubt that the mass murderers responsible for the whole mess :::coughcoughGWcoughcheneyhacksneeze::: will ever be held responsible, and it really makes me wonder about justice in this wild old world.

I guess this post makes me a “terrorist sympathizer” to some people, but I would rather think that I am a general people sympathizer and I would put forth that the situation has a lot to do with making people what they are. I generally believe people are good and will do the right thing when given the chance. Perhaps that makes me naive, too … I prefer to think of it as hopeful. I’d kind of like to think that if we stopped stealing from them, bombing them and generally trying to dictate what they do with their government that they would lose their passion for blowing us up. But that’s just me.

I wish you peace and understanding for your fellow man, no matter his race, color or creed.

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The commercialization of water, food and medicine is just plain wrong

The commercialization of basic human necessities of life is just plain wrong. The fact that if you don’t have money, you don’t eat, have clean water to drink or medicine to treat your illnesses should be seen as a crime against humanity … because it is. Untold millions have died for lack of basic needs that we all share.

I don’t know if you comprehend it … but if you suddenly didn’t have money, it would happen to you too. Without money, it would be entirely likely that you would starve or at least suffer some terrible life shortening illness brought about by malnutrition. No one would bother to make sure you had clean water to drink or wash with. And good luck getting medical attention should you, God forbid, become seriously sick.

Not like I know what to do about it. The whole system is so messed up with the perversion of the Golden Rule. In today’s (and for a good long time before today’s) culture, it’s no longer “Treat others as you would have them treat you” but rather “He who has the gold makes the rules.”

So the farmers get screwed. And the consumers get screwed. While the manufacturers in the middle reap all the profits and convince us that it’s our fault that we’re sick and fat.

Clean water becomes more and more scarce, and what little there is in some parts is monopolized by greedy corporations that make people pay for access to this substance that is absolutely necessary to life… and deny access when the price can’t be paid. Then they put it in bottles to be sold to the wealthy, and the bottles end up more useless junk used one time and thrown away. You just know somebody’s laughing all the way to the bank.

And don’t even get me started on medicine. Just seriously don’t. Because I can go on and on for hours about how access to medicine is restricted to only those who can afford the overbloated and exorbitant fees here in America … and how it’s been turned into a people-killing, prescription dependent profit scheme … but you probably have your own medicinal horror stories, so I’m just going to leave it.

And I don’t have the answers. Ugh. I’m all riled up and pissed off about all of it, and it seems like there’s just not a damned answer to be had. We’ve capitilized ourselves into some freaky mess. Do you see an answer?

Seriously though … I need to quit reading the news and focus on my business. Good Lord knows that reading the news only pisses me off and makes me feel hopeless about this planet. Call me crazy, but as hopeless as it seems, I still hold on to hope. I still hope that someday, we humans can learn to be humane to each other…. can even remember the real Golden Rule.

In the meantime … I’m just going to remember what I’ve learned and perhaps do a little more volunteering. Work in a food kitchen or something… Remember to give money or food to the homeless folks I see. I may not have much … but we all deserve to have nourishing food, clean water and medicine when we are ill, no matter who we are or how much money we may have.

Wrapping up with a quote …
“I am only one, but still I am one.
I can not do everything, but because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I CAN do.”

Not sure who wrote that, but it is so true I hung it on my wall. If you know who it was … drop me a comment so I can give credit where credit is due.

Wishing you healthy food, clean water, adequate medicine, a warm bed, and someone you love to share all of it.


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