Archive for health

Whatever happened to “First, Do no harm”?

One of the core principles in medicine is the Hippocratic oath, which states “First, Do No Harm.” This is why we trust our doctors. Their first promise is not to hurt us.

However, the over reliance of drugs as the solution to our problems is in direct opposition to this oath. All drugs prescribed today have lists of side effects. Many times, these side effects can be worse than the symptoms we are originally suffering, up to and including death. And this is why I no longer trust the allopathic medical community. Too much harm comes from their first treatment options.

Alternative medicine is a different boat. That’s not to say all the methods are 100% harmless, but you have a much better prognosis through working with the body’s natural processes than you do by introducing some foreign agent the human body has never encountered before. Several of my favorite and most effective methods include chiropractic, homeopathy, whole food nutrition and active meditation. I’ve used these with great effectiveness and success, whereas I’ve been more hurt than healed through my experiences with allopathic meds.

This is meant to be longer, as the full story is not told, but I’ll be moving in 2 days, so I should probably be packing instead of typing. 🙂

Hope you’re happy, healthy and doing well!

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Rise of the Superbugs

Recently read an article over here …
Antibacterial wipes can spread superbugs: study

and also …
Drug-resistant bug kills young and healthy in U.S.

Has it ever occurred to anyone that overuse of antibacterial products is creating these superbugs? The point is not to use a disposable antibacterial towlette on only one surface, the point should be to get away from the use of antibacterial soaps altogether. Our misguided war on germs, fueled by fears propagated in the media and further fueled by products like Lysol and Clorox is putting evolutionary pressure on microorganisms of all kinds. Only the strongest (and often the most deadly) survive, as we indiscriminately kill massive colonizations of bacteria on every available surface.

Face it folks, microorganisms outnumber us. Like a billion billion million billion to one. 99.9999% of them are nothing to worry about, are in fact, beneficial, and are necessary for us to survive. We get so worried about the tiny few that make us sick that we’re willing to wipe them all out wholesale, (as well as inject ourselves with deadly chemical cocktails known as vaccines -but that is a rant for another post) and now we’re shocked as hell when superbugs like MRSA are suddenly becoming a problem because we CAN’T kill them.

Overuse of antibiotics and antibacterials is a huge problem in this country today. We seem to think that killing off all these microbes is a good thing, when people who are on repeated antibiotics have more allergies and illness than the rest of us, and people who grow up in households that are “super-clean” are more susceptible to illness and serious disease than people whose immune systems have been strengthened by routine exposure to minimally harmful germs. This is truly a case of the cure being worse than the disease.

Furthermore, completely all-natural germicides such as colloidal silver and olive leaf extract are marginalized as un-patentable options (and demonized by a medical society that worships prescription drugs over all), when these safe and effective options can still save those that have been infected with the drug resistant strains (which is not to mention a little thing called Rife frequencies that can be used to kill illness causing bacteria/viruses/mold/yeast/etc using just a little bit of electricity – google it if you want). So instead of focusing on the safe, effective, natural solutions that should be commonly available, modern medicine ignores these options instead letting people remain sick and dying for sake of the profits of big pharma. It is a sad sad state we are living in.

So… do you want to know what you can to to be healthier and avoid trouble with drug resistant infections? First of all, end your own personal war on germs. Eliminate hand sanitizers, antibacterial soaps and wipes, and antibiotics any time you are sick. Research for yourself safe and effective natural germ killers such as colloidal silver, olive leaf extract and Rife frequencies on the internet (and keep some on hand for emergencies). When cleaning your home, return to the good old fashioned cleaners such as vinegar and borax, which aren’t going to add toxins to your home and will also take care of the majority of illness causing bacteria without the risk of creating more drug resistant strains. Wash your hands frequently with good old fashioned soap and hot water for a minimum of 20 seconds (or just hum the happy birthday tune twice), making sure you get front and back, between your fingers and under your nails. Taking these practical steps can help you become healthier and avoid illness while also stopping your own personal contribution to the creation of superbugs that are causing such a stir in medical circles today.

Wishing you wonderful health!

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Cleaning it up

Hoo boy, I am tired! I spent hours today cleaning house. Scrubbed the 2 bathrooms, vacuumed both floors, mopped all the hardwood (and there is a lot of it here – I have the only room with carpet), and generally tidied and wiped down all the disgusting little messes that a house full of 7+ adults (and the occasional children) creates.

Why all the cleaning? Well … first, I’ve been reading a lot of news lately and it makes me feel all dirty. O.o Plus, almost all the roommates are gone for the weekend (except for the engaged kids with their own apartment upstairs). So, I didn’t have anyone busy making more mess while I was cleaning it up. Except my children, that is … and they were actually big helpers today. They are such amazing, smart, loving kids and I can’t believe sometimes that I am so lucky.

Aaanyhoo … so the news has seriously got me down. I wonder if there is hope for the world?

One article was “Does America Have a Prescription Drug Problem?” here at
Short answer … yes! OMG, I am appalled at what is happening with our health care system. Americans are the second least healthy industrialized nation on the planet! I suppose the good news we’re not the absolute worst! O.o Part of our problem is our dependence on pills, and I’m just as guilty as the rest. Except mine aren’t prescriptions … they’re vitamins, minerals and herbs. And still … there are just days I feel I have so little energy. Hmm. Anyhoo, the pills are the problem and the food is the problem and government corruption is the problem and heck, it’s so big I can’t wrap my brain entirely around the problem. (or maybe I can and just don’t want to) So … yeah.

And then there’s good old Bill Moyers lamenting the immanent fall of democracy …
Moyers: ‘Democracy in America Is a Series of Narrow Escapes, and We May Be Running Out of Luck’
“For all of America’s shortcomings, we keep telling ourselves, “The system works.” Now all bets are off.” he says. I have to say, he makes a strong case. O.o

And you know what? i have to stop reading. Because when you add that stuff to our environment is screwed, and our economy is screwed, and our education is screwed, and, and, and … Where’s the hope?

Oh … it’s here. The Healing Power of Pets.
Studies show that contact with domestic animals can prevent illness. How nice. The world is going to shit, bit I’m not going to worry. I have a cat. O.o

I believe there is hope, though. In my heart of hearts, I see a brighter future for us all. Not sure how we’ll get there, but it’s there. Peace and harmony. For one and all. 🙂

So I’m just going to keep praying and doing my part. If we all just clean up the little messes in our own lives, maybe it will all add up to a nice clean Earth.


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