Posts tagged radiation

Does Cell Phone Radiation Hurt Your Brain?

Does cell phone radiation hurt your brain?

This is a question I have come up against before. Cell phone manufacturers and service retailers would have us believe that cell phones are harmless and completely safe to use. However, in a research paper that I had to do for class a little over a year ago, images from the internet made me think differently.

In a thermographic image taken of adult and children’s brains, before during and after cell phone use, you can see heat changes in the brains of cell phone users. In adults, after 10 minutes of cell phone use, approximately 15% of the brain was heated, after 20 minutes, it was 25% and after 30 minutes, almost 50% of an adult brain was affected with higher temperature readings (read cooked). In children, this heat difference was much more pronounced and more alarming. Basically, because of their thinner less developed skulls, cell phone radiation heated more than double the area of the adult brain. This is why I NEVER let my children use my cell phone.

You can see these images here at this link. I couldn’t find the original images from a year ago … but here’s a good one comparing an adult, a 10 year old and a 5 year old. Just copy and paste if the image doesn’t show.
Cell phone radiation - adult, 10yo, 5yo
(this image is kind of big, so you might want to copy and paste it anyway)

Here’s another image
Cell phone radiation in adults

Just in case you think I’m making all this up about cell phone radiation and it’s heating effects on your brain, here are some YouTube experiments with cell phones and popcorn that I found rather enlightening, and scary. I’m going to try to embed the videos, but if it doesn’t work, Copy and paste the links to view.

or copy and paste

or copy and paste

This one kills me because they were betting eachother that it wouldn’t work!

or copy and paste

I’m personally quite sensitive to the cell phone radiation. I only have a cell phone and not a landline, because I can’t afford both and I need to be able to keep in touch with people for work and family, etc (same reasons as everyone else I suppose). On days that I had to use my phone a lot, I was noticing that I would get a lot of headaches and my ear would hurt quite badly. Since i only have one good ear (I’m completely deaf on the left side), when my good ear starts to hurt, I get concerned. O.o

I’ve since gotten my hands on a good EMF neutralizer, which since installing it on my phone, I’ve noticed a lot less pain in my ear and I don’t get headaches like I used to with the cell phone. I can get one for you for $20 each (plus $2.95 shipping) or $50 for a 3 pack (plus $4.95 shipping). If you’re interested, send me an email at alinaphoenix444_at_yahoo_dot_com and I will email you back with payment instructions so that you can start protecting yourself and the ones you love from brain cooking cell phone radiation. I’ll be happy to refund your purchase price if for any reason you are not satisfied – you just contact me at the same email for ordering info for a prompt refund.

Wishing you cell phone safety and a lifetime of wonderful health!


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