Posts tagged congratulations

TMI … too much information

Ever notice how some people just want to give you waaaaaayyyyyy too much personal information? Fascinating little personal tidbits that you never wanted or needed to know? Visuals you may never get out of your head for the rest of your life?

Take this post …

yeah. Pays to watch her pee.

I had a S-I-L once, and I swear I know waaaaaayyyyyyy too much about that woman’s ass. Specifically, her ass hole. No shit.

One of the first stories she ever told me was about her first date with my B-I-L. She was sooooo constipated and so uncomfortable that she had to have one of her friends literally go into her ass with a pair of tongs and remove pieces of shit.


How good of a friend do you have to be? Seriously. Ever hear of a doctor? How about a laxative?

If that were all, believe me, it would be enough. However, some time after that, she gave birth to her son. During the “congratulations and how’s the baby” phone call, she regaled me with new tales. Tales about her hemorrhoids. How big they were. In what location. How much they hurt. What they looked like. How long it had been since she’s pooped. The scheduled surgery.

A few weeks later, I guess feeling like I (wanted?) needed the update, she called back to tell me alllllll about the surgery. How they forgot to give her an enema beforehand. How long it’s been since she pooped. How it hurts. How many stitches. How she’s afraid to poop. How she just went poop and busted open her stitches. And on and on and on …


Geez, already. I’m sorry for your ass. Now would you quit telling me about it already? I feel like I know more about her ass than I know about mine! At least i’ve never had a compulsive urge to tell people stories about my ass. And if I ever? Please! Stop me!


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